Motion sickness ou cybermalaises en réalité virtuelle, des solutions existent!

For several years now, we have seen the technological equipment evolve. However, some people can be sensitive to this technology, there are different ways to counteract this sensitivity.

cybermalaise . cybersickness

Cybersickness: a definition

Here is the definition of the Université du Québec en Outaouais : “Cybersickness are similar to motion sickness and occur during or following a virtual immersion. It is believed that they are mainly caused by a conflict between three sensory systems: visual, vestibular and proprioceptive. The eyes perceive movement, which may be off by a few milliseconds with what is perceived by the vestibular system, while the rest of the body hardly moves at all.” (Stanney, Kennedy, & Kingdon, 2002).

The Etherlab solution

In our experience, short exposure and room scale project creation easily avoid any discomfort. Our expertise in designing virtual reality projects allows us to reassure clients and users. Our vision not only allows us to have a pedagogical impact but also to avoid any discomfort. However, our responsibility is to advise clients and users, so we have created a user charter that makes the user responsible. It is the user’s responsibility to report his or her sensitivity to the manager or instructor. While this may seem obvious to some, we stress that it is important to remember that not all simulated objects that you may encounter in a simulation exist in the real world, such as furniture, trees, walls. Injuries can result if you try to lean on a piece of furniture or sit on a chair, for example.

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